Wellbeing at work
Katherine Horstmann Katherine Horstmann

Wellbeing at work

One has to ask, can Organisations afford for their employee’s wellbeing not to be on the agenda? As the National health service is harder to access, Organisations have an opportunity to play a part in educating, supporting and empowering their employees to be more healthy, thereby improving employee satisfaction, absenteeism and rates of long term sickness. After all, we know there is a compelling science based link between the food we eat, our health and our mood.

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Feeding your family for less this winter
Katherine Horstmann Katherine Horstmann

Feeding your family for less this winter

I am pretty certain that you all have QUITE enough to worry about without adding the worry of how you can afford to feed your family so I want to share with you my various tips for cutting your food bill. I have always been frugal and up for a bargain so I enjoy this side of things and have collected tips over the years.

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Navigating mood changes in the peri menopause
Katherine Horstmann Katherine Horstmann

Navigating mood changes in the peri menopause

Perimenopause is the period of time leading up to the menopause and can last many years so the importance of achieving hormonal balance now can’t be overstated (you will need less sticky plasters to manage all the symptoms).

There is a ‘PAUSE’ in the word peri-menopause for a reason. It’s because self care becomes a necessity.

Read on for some advice on how to navigate this change with more ease.

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How to help bruxism (teeth clenching /  grinding)
Katherine Horstmann Katherine Horstmann

How to help bruxism (teeth clenching / grinding)

Bruxism (grinding or clenching at night) is a rather uncomfortable thing and one of the many more ‘secondary’ symptoms connected to covid. The most common trigger? You’ve guessed it, it’s stress just for a change.

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How to manage health anxiety
Katherine Horstmann Katherine Horstmann

How to manage health anxiety

Do you visiting the GP frequently to discuss your health? Do you find yourself googling your symptoms? Scanning your body for signs? Obsessing over symptoms? Maybe friends and family have started to label you as neurotic or a hypochondriac? Do your feelings get dismissed when what you really seek is reassurance?

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Tips for managing sugar cravings
Katherine Horstmann Katherine Horstmann

Tips for managing sugar cravings

Food (and drink) cravings are very common. Whilst I see cravings for alcohol and coffee a lot in my clinic, the most common craving I come across is for sugary food. Whist emotional triggers are common, hormones and neurotransmitters are often at the root of it. Here are some tips to help keep your cravings at bay.

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