Back to School immunity tips

New School year, new starts and new opportunities for us to make sure our kids immune batteries aren’t flashing red. Here are my tips to help them stay healthy and able to work and play hard.

1) Focus on a healthy breakfast. Did you know one of the most popular children’s cereal, contains 35% sugar? A good sized, healthy breakfast will keep the kids full until lunchtime and help their concentration.  

Whilst toast and nutella might be the popular choice, the following options will help balance their blood sugar and help their brain function because they include slow release complex carbohydrates, protein, fibre and fruit.

  1. Porridge with frozen mixed berries and a drizzle of maple syrup.

  2. Granola with organic natural yoghurt (or milk) and frozen mixed berries.

  3. Gluten free waffles with natural yoghurt and berry compote or banana with cinnamon. I like this recipe by Cookie & Kate because it’s gluten free.

  4. Boiled eggs and wholewheat soldiers.

  5. Banana pancakes.

I add my ‘power up powder’ to all of the breakfasts above (except the eggs),  I whizz up flax, pumpkin, sunflower seeds, cashews and wheatgerm and keep them in a sealed jar in the fridge. Boom – lots of nutrients right there in one little jar! 


If your children still want cereal, these are the best ones I have come across; low in salt and sugar (under 5g in 100g) with no added sweeteners. We have the grape nuts with full fat organic natural yoghurt, ‘power up powder,’ some berries and a dash of honey. If you are dealing with a ‘selective eater’ (I have one of those!), the power up powder can be mixed directly into the box of grape nuts (I won’t tell). I

add freeze dried raspberries to the spelt multi flakes.

2) Make sure you get outside at least once a day. 

Exercise is essential to deliver oxygen and lymph around our body and to get our endorphins going. Even when the weather is bad, getting outside will normally make you feel better. The daylight also activates the natural production of vitamin D which has more benefits than I can mention. Getting outside in the day time (particularly in the morning) also helps with the production of our hormone, melatonin which helps us sleep. Personally, i’ve noticed a direct link between getting out the house for fresh air and harmony levels! A change of scene is good as the rest.

Cute Kid Snacks - Staycation Fun Food Ideas - Mom Endeavors.jpg

3) Keep snacks healthy. 

Once a week, we make some sort of healthy snack like my peanut butter crunch balls or buckwheat chocolate chip biscuits. Quick tip - they’re more likely to eat these new foods if they make them with you!

Organix ‘goodies bars’ are a nice healthy shop bought alternative and obviously a piece of fruit is always a nice option (sliced apple with peanut butter is a favourite here). If fruit needs some persuasion, some ‘restyling’ of sorts may help. It takes less time than it looks I promise.

Don’t forget smoothies for an equally filling snack (and another avenue in which to be ‘creative’ with a few healthy added extras :) I sneak a little Bare Biology Action Hero’s fish oil into my sons smoothie because he won’t eat fish but omega 3 essential fat is essential for a developing brain - use KATHERINE10 for 10% off.


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