Case Study: Sophie and Health Anxiety

Sophie, a 24 year old woman, lost her Mum at the early age of 54 to a heart attack. Since this time, she had started to experience heart palpitations.


After some time worrying, she had a scan at her local hospital and was told she was completely fine. But her continuing heart palpitations made her feel very anxious and were very real for her.

I arranged a full blood iron panel for Sophie which showed whilst not anaemic, that her iron levels were very low. I recommended an appropriate iron supplement for her short term and worked on meditation practise, iron rich foods (especially during menstruation) and increasing vitamin C intake (to improve the iron absorption).We also worked on hormone balance to make her periods less heavy (to help iron stores).

At our follow up appointment, Sophie’s heart palpations had completely stopped, she had stopped worrying about them and said she felt like ‘a new woman.’

Images, names and all personal details in this case study have been changed to protect the privacy of the client.